Monday, October 29, 2007


This looks like a very useful tool to promote to people who use the public internet terminals or who use the internet on a number of computers. Favourites are then always available.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

#12 Rollyo

This could be useful to collect a set of suitable sites for children to use for homework help that have information at a particular level. eg the blog could be added to the library home page. Unfortunatley the process to add it to my blog was very complicated and I was almost through when a "this page cannot be displayed" came up.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

#11 Library thing

This is a great "thing" .I can see how I could use it to share ideas of books to read with friends who live in distant parts. It would also be useful to record the books in a private library. It looks like a very useful resource.
Here is my list so far.


I have had a look at some of the image generators and like the look of some of them. The mosaic maker, calendar etc would be fun to play with.

#8 RSS feeds

I have spent some time having a look at the bloglines site and subscribing to some feeds. It would be great for people who use the web a lot to look at overseas news or who subscribe to podcasts etc. As I don't read too much news online I am not sure that I would use it, but it is good to know that it is there.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

# 5-7 Flickr

I had a go at making a trading card but would like to add a photo. The mash up would be good for showing places on maps on the website. A picture of the library on a map of the town.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

#4 First Blog

This is my first blog in my second week with Geelong Libraries. There is lots to learn.